Parallel Iteration With Python's zip() Function

Liam Pulsifer
Liam Pulsifer 6 Lessons 35m basics python

Python’s zip() function creates an iterator that will aggregate elements from two or more iterables. You can use the resulting iterator to quickly and consistently solve common programming problems, like creating dictionaries. In this course, you’ll discover the logic behind the Python zip() function and how you can use it to solve real-world problems.

By the end of this course, you’ll learn:

  • How zip() works in both Python 3 and Python 2
  • How to use the Python zip() function for parallel iteration
  • How to create dictionaries on the fly using zip()

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About Liam Pulsifer

Liam is a software engineer and avid Pythonista. When he's not writing code to automate all of his daily tasks, you can often find him running, playing basketball and tennis, reading, or eating good food.

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